VMD Extension Functions
Save VMD state


 saveFullState ?file?

Detailed Description

saveFullState is a function to almost completely save the state of a VMD session. Saved state includes the view, materials, colors (as with the usual save state menu item), as well as trajectories and topologies. Loading the saved state completely restores the state a VMD session was in.


State can then be saved with

1 saveFullState filename.vmd

This will create:

If filename is not provided, a file selection dialog opens up.

To recover a session, just source the script, or use it with the vmd -e option.

Trajectory files are looked up with respect to the current directory. If they are not found, a second attempt is done with the absolute pathnames that were valid at the time the state was saved.


Some data is known not to be restored, including:

To do


Most of this proc is copied from the save_state function built-in VMD, which is distributed under the terms of the UIUC Open Source License: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/current/LICENSE.html

Modifications by Toni Giorgino <toni.giorgino isib.cnr.it>

Function Documentation

◆ dumpRepresentations()


Create a list of "mol" commands that reproduce the current top molecule display.

◆ saveFullState()

saveFullState   ?file?  

Save FULL visualization state, including trajectories Can be reloaded as usual.